Kunne du tænke dig at starte din karriere i en rolle, hvor du bliver eksponeret for mange forskellige typer af opgaver? Og vil du have mulighed for at forme din karriere som konsulent efter dine interesser?
Så bliv graduate i PwC. Her venter et væld af muligheder, et højt fagligt niveau og et stærkt fællesskab, som sikrer, at du kommer til at udvikle dig både fagligt og personligt.
”Som graduate får den bedste start på din karriere som konsulent. Samtidig får du et stærkt sammenhold med de andre graduates, og du får mulighed for at bygge et stærkt netværk både i og udenfor PwC Consulting; alt sammen ting, som er med til at styrke din udvikling i rollen som konsulent,” fortæller Emily, People and Culture Lead i Consulting.
Kom godt fra start
Allerede den 1. marts 2025 vil vi være klar til at byde dig velkommen som studentermedhjælper i PwC Consulting som en forsmag på graduateforløbet. Her starter du ud med en grundig intro til PwC, vores organisation, teamet og de opgaver, der venter dig, samtidig med at du får tid til at afslutte dine sidste eksamener og gøre dit speciale færdigt.
Den 1. september starter graduateprogrammet for alvor, og over de næste to år, vil du tilegne dig viden gennem praktisk erfaring.
Dyk ned i rollen som konsulent
Hverdagen består i at løse konsulentopgaver, der varierer afhængig af dit fagområde, som du vælger på forhånd og bliver i forløbet igennem. Til gengæld kommer du ud i alle hjørner af dit fag, og får mulighed for at udforske rollen og kompetencerne, der i sidste ende vil gøre dig til en dygtig trusted advisor.
I Consulting kan du vælge mellem:
- Business Transformation – arbejd med virksomhedstransformationer inden for følgende 3 områder:
People & Organisation – vær med til at sikre, at virksomheder og deres medarbejdere kan trives i en foranderlig verden. Her er der fokus på PMO & programme management, change management, upskilling og organisationsforandring.
Strategy& – arbejd med operationelle områder såsom produktion, indkøb, supply chain og strategisk rådgivning. Vi dækker virksomhederne bredt og arbejder med optimering, innovation, sustainability og transformation af hele virksomhedens værdikæde.
Regulation, Risk & Compliance – brug dine økonomiske eller juridiske kompetencer på at hjælpe kunder med at forstå krav til governance og risikostyringsprocesser. Vi arbejder med vores kunders compliance og hjælper med at håndtere både regulering og risici.
- CFO Advisory – Rådgiv økonomichefen indenfor alle dennes vigtige arbejdsområder fra udarbejdelse af finansstrategi over mod økonomisk risikostyring, optimering/automatisering af finans processer og analytisk perspektivering på virksomhedens økonomiske udvikling.
- Technology and Security – rådgiv virksomheder inden for cyber & information security, digital transformation, AI & ML og implementering af IT-systemer.
Derudover venter der netværksdage, undervisningscamps og kurser, hvor du yderligere kan udvikle dine færdigheder gennem forskellige aktiviteter.
Et godt fællesskab og gode kolleger
Hos PwC er du en del af en markedsledende virksomhed, der er kendt for at gøre tingene ordentligt. Her får du mulighed for at træde ind i et powerhouse af viden, hvor du kan suge al den viden til dig, du har brug for.
Samtidig har vi respekt for dit tempo, og vi hjælper dig med at tilrettelægge en plan, der passer til dine behov og ønsker for din karriere. En career coach står klar til at sparre med dig gennem hele din karriere hos PwC – også efter dit graduateforløb. Du kan læse mere om forløbet på: www.pwc.dk/graduate.
Teamwork er en kerneværdi hos os, og du kan se frem til at arbejde sammen med fantastiske kolleger i dit nye team. Som graduate hos PwC bliver du ligeledes en del af et større dynamisk fællesskab med graduates fra hele PwC, som du kommer til at kende godt gennem de mange spændende events, vi inviterer dig til.
”Vi er et hus af både generalister og specialister, og du kan finde svar på næsten alt i PwC. Vi er også et rart sted at være, og du bliver en del af et fællesskab med plads til snak over kaffen,” fortæller Luna, tidligere graduate i Consulting.
Er du ved at afslutte din kandidat og klar til næste skridt?
Grib chancen og start på det forløb, der passer dig bedst. Så længe du har en kandidat, er vi åbne for din baggrund. Din nysgerrighed og lyst til at tilegne dig viden, forventes at være din største drivkraft. Men det er også vigtigt, at du har lyst til at opbygge relationer og er en teamplayer, der ser opgaveløsningen som en holdindsats.
Klar til at kickstarte din karriere?
… så ansøg via linket. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Talent Attraction Advisor Helena Fjord på helena.holmberg.fjord@pwc.com. Deadline er 20. oktober, og samtaler er planlagt i november.
Tjekliste til ansøgning:
- upload karakterblad og CV
- upload en kort motiveret ansøgning, hvori du angiver hvilket spor, du er interesseret i
- angiv om du har præference for at arbejde i Hellerup eller Aarhus.
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!
Become a graduate of PwC and step into the role of consultant
Would you like to start your career in a role where you are exposed to many different types of tasks? And do you want the opportunity to shape your career as a consultant according to your interests? Then become a graduate at PwC.
A multitude of opportunities await here, a high professional level and a strong community, which ensures that you will develop both professionally and personally.
“As a graduate, you get the best start to your career as a consultant. At the same time, you get a strong bond with the other graduates, and you get the opportunity to build a strong network both inside and outside PwC Consulting; all things that help to strengthen your development as a consultant,” says Emily, People and Culture Lead in Consulting.
Get off to a good start
As early as March 1, 2025, we will be ready to welcome you as a student assistant in PwC Consulting as a small start to the graduate course. Here you will receive a thorough introduction to PwC, our organisation, the team and the tasks that await you, while also getting the time to complete your final exams and your thesis.
On September 1, the graduate program starts in earnest, and over the next two years, you will acquire knowledge through practical experience.
Dive into the role of consultant
Everyday life consists of solving consultancy tasks that vary depending on your specialist area, which you choose in advance and stay in throughout. In return, you get to explore all corners of your profession and get the opportunity to explore the role and skills that will ultimately make you a skilled trusted advisor.
In Consulting you can choose between:
- Business Transformation – work with company transformations within the following 3 areas:
People & Organization – help ensure that companies and their employees can thrive in a changing world. Here the focus is on PMO & program management, change management, upskilling and organizational change.
Strategy& – work with operational areas such as production, purchasing, supply chain and strategic consulting. We cover companies broadly and work with optimisation, innovation, sustainability and transformation of the company’s entire value chain.
Regulation, Risk & Compliance – use your financial or legal skills to help clients understand governance requirements and risk management processes. We work with our customers’ compliance and help manage both regulation and risks.
- CFO Advisory – Advise the chief financial officer in all his important work areas, from preparation of financial strategy to financial risk management, optimization/automation of financial processes and analytical perspective on the company’s financial development.
- Technology and Security – advise companies in cyber & information security, digital transformation, AI & ML and implementation of IT systems.
In addition, there are networking days, training camps and courses where you can further develop your skills through various activities.
A strong community and good colleagues
At PwC, you are part of a market-leading company that is known for doing things properly. Here you get the opportunity to step into a powerhouse of knowledge, where you can absorb all the knowledge you need. At the same time, we respect your pace, and we help you organize a plan that suits your needs and wishes for your career. A career coach is ready to spar with you throughout your career at PwC – also after your graduate course. You can read more about the process here.
Teamwork is a core value for us, and you can look forward to working with fantastic colleagues in your new team. As a graduate at PwC, you will also be part of a larger dynamic community with graduates from all over PwC, whom you will get to know well through the many exciting events we invite you to.
“We are a house of both generalists and specialists, and you can find answers to almost everything at PwC. We are also a nice place to be, and you become part of a community with space for conversation over coffee,” says Luna, former graduate in Consulting.
Are you finishing your master’s degree and ready for the next step?
Take the chance and start the graduate course that suits you best. As long as you have a candidate, we are open to your background. Your curiosity and desire to acquire knowledge is expected to be your biggest driving force. But it is also important that you want to build relationships and are a team player who sees the task as a team effort.
Ready to kickstart your career?
… then apply via the link. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Talent Attraction Advisor Helena Fjord at helena.holmberg.fjord@pwc.com. The deadline is October 20, 2024, and interviews are scheduled for November.
Checklist for application:
- upload grade sheet and CV upload
- a short motivated application in which you indicate which track you are interested in
- indicate whether you have a preference for working in Hellerup or Aarhus.
We look forward to hearing from you!