Maria: “As a graduate at twoday I feel like I’m part of one big family working here.”

My name is Maria Koelemij Andersen. I have a BA in Communication and IT from UCPH and a MSc in Software Design from ITU. I am a consultant at twoday working for the client Arbejdstilsynet and a part of the graduate program.


How did you end up at twoday?

twoday was present at an IT Match Making event at my university. Here, I talked to them about the possibilities they had for a newly educated developer like me. Since I was currently on my first year of my Master’s I contacted them later on when it became relevant for me to apply for jobs nearing my graduation.


What attracted you to twoday as an employer?

It was mostly the graduate program that attracted me to twoday and the fact that I had heard a lot of good things about the company from acquaintances. The great thing about the graduate program at twoday is that you are hired as a consultant rather than just a graduate. Which means you don’t rotate between positions every 6 months like with many other graduate programs in other companies. Instead, you are hired as a developer (technical consultant) and the graduate program is in parallel where you can progress and learn from the events and take that new knowledge and use it in your daily work.   

Something that I value a lot about twoday is that they care about their employees. Both regarding their personal and educational development.

What has been the highlight of being a graduate at twoday so far?

I think the best thing about being a graduate is that you can draw on your co-graduates’ experiences. twoday creates a community for you where you have colleagues that have the same level of experience as you which helps a lot with your personal development and to feel that you are not alone. The educational events have been really great at showing what challenges one might face as a consultant and how to approach these challenges.  


What has surprised you the most about working at twoday?

I think what surprised me the most was actually how social the employees are across age groups and how helpful people are regardless of their position in the company. It feels like being part of one big family working here.

The great thing about the graduate program at twoday is that you are hired as a consultant rather than just a graduate
Maria, twoday graduate

Biggest challenge as a graduate so far?

The biggest challenge as a graduate or perhaps more as a newly graduated developer is accepting that I do not know everything and that is okay. It’s a process and it takes time to learn the basics. The systems, work processes and rules are different from client to client. Getting to know the client and the systems and how you work as a consultant takes time and can be difficult. But being newly graduated you want to be as good as everyone else and can be hard to accept that it is impossible. So, taking it one step at a time is key.   


What is your superpower? (what is something you are really great at)

If you ask my colleagues, my superpower is to create a comfortable and fun atmosphere in the office. I am part of multiple planning committees at twoday and I feel like I am good at encouraging others both in their work and socially.


Advice to other applicants?

First of all, believe in yourself and your abilities – it’s a process and that’s why you are part of the graduate program. Be honest about your interests and goals with your employer so they can help you achieve your goals and grow. If you feel like you are ready for more responsibility don’t be afraid to ask for it. twoday offer a lot of great opportunities and events both for educational and social purposes. It creates so much value if you choose to engage in those activities and helps you grow as a graduate. 


How do you see your future with twoday?

I hope to experience a linear growth in my career at twoday following the career model with the goal of upping my skills as a technical consultant.