The Arla F15 Graduate programme

Moyo Adenmosun Arla

Arlas F15 graduate programme has long been considered one of the most established and reputable programmes on the market. Hear how the programme works from the inside as we sit down with current graduate Moyo Adenmosun

Moyo Adenmosun


2018 – 2019 TIAS Student Consultancy, Chairperson

2019 CGI, Food Manufacturing and Supply Chain Business Consultant Intern

2016 Johnson Matthey, Process Development Engineering Intern

2015 – 2016 Heineken, Utility Engineering Intern



2018 – 2019 TIAS School for Business and Society, MSc Business Administration, Business Analytics

2012 – 2017 University of Bath Meng Chemical Engineering


A few days ago, we had the pleasure to do an interview with Moyo Adenmosun, who is a graduate from the F15 program at Arla. She is currently doing her international rotation in Sweden as a project manager, being one of three rotations. In 2019 she had her first rotation in Denmark, Aarhus, where she held a positions as Strategy Development and Project Manager.

Moyo graduated within engineering from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Afterwards, she decided to complete her second Master Degree in Business Administration at TIAS Business School and Society in the Netherlands. 

Why a graduate programme?

Having the international background opened many opportunities for Moyo, which is why she decided to go to another country, Denmark, for her graduate program. The desire of getting to know Arla to the fingertips, motivated her to go to Aarhus, where the headquarters are located. Even though Arla is one company, in each country things work slightly differently and so creates plenty of new experiences and learnings everywhere, she mentioned.

Going for a graduate program was the most natural thing for me after the studies
Moyo Adenmosun, Arla F15 Graduate

What she finds attractive about graduate programs is the amount of learning that is possible to acquire and how much companies generally invest in graduates to help them develop personally and professionally. To accelerate this development, Moyo has been looking for the fast track graduate programs designed for future leaders. Arla is one of the companies that provides its graduates with such a fast track programme including many different types of training. She was also looking for offers for a graduate scheme which had an option to have a rotation in the different areas. What she highlights is the importance of getting to know the different departments since it is a great way to expand your perspective on business challenges. 

A little about the program

Arla offers two Graduate programs, the F15 and Production Management. As it was mentioned before, Moyo is on the F15, where she has 3 different rotations. What is worth mentioning, is that the first rotation does not necessarily need to be done in the “home country” as it was Denmark for Moyo. There is a possibility of starting the scheme somewhere else in Europe or the rest of the world. The whole program is designed for 2 years.

The location of the next placements as well as the field that graduates are going to work with vary from person to person. It is decided by combining personal preferences, competencies and business needs. As for example, Moyo’s third rotation will be in the finance department in the graduate programme in United Kingdom.


The best parts of the Arla F15 graduate program

There is much support along with the responsibility given. Moyo recalls that at the beginning she got huge support from their managers and the whole team. Loneliness was not an emotion that she experienced. Together with her colleagues, they had created a great team.

Currently, she is managing a large project and she very much appreciates how the management team trusts her.


During her first rotation, she was responsible for a marketing strategy. Coming with her background, which is mostly focused on engineering, Moyo had to start working in a completely different field. She recalls that it was a very challenging task and she had to “Learn to adapt new ways of thinking”.


Along with the responsibility you are given, there is freedom for you to try things“, she notes. 


Finally, Moyo highlights that at the beginning, she was assigned a mentor. Arla makes it a personal approach in order to match you with the right person. They are taking into consideration your output and what you would need in a mentor in order to find the best fit. 

Success in Arla

The key to success in Arla is to know yourself, know the others and learn how to use that to find meaning in their work. Moyo mentioned openness and asking questions if you are not sure about something, will help you progress at Arla.

On top of that, self-confidence and believing in your skills are two abilities that every future employee should possess, since you usually end in a managing position. Hence, you should have traits that support a managerial role. 

As a piece of advice for future graduates and applicants, Moyo said to “be your-best professional-self”. As simple as it sounds it might really change the way that the recruiters or your co-workers will perceive you.


In the end, we want to thank Moyo for the interview and wish her good luck at Arla!