Intro to Peter
Peter Bendtsen graduated from the IT-University with a Bachelor in Digital Media and Design a Master in Software Design.
How did you end up at the Graduate Programme and when and where did you first hear about it?
I heard about twoday at the ITU Match Marking exhibition and I got to talk with Laura Kromann-Larsen, a former graduate from twoday, who studied Software Design at the IT- University. She talked very highly of the Graduate Programme and after that I applied to the Graduate Programme.
What attracted you to the company
The Graduate programme was the main attraction. I saw the opportunity to be a graduate as a “now or never” event. Being able to learn from more experienced programmers and developers, was something that I really wanted to do.
Twoday also has great possibilities, in terms of certifications and education, a great social cohesion and culture. And I think those were the main attraction pillars for me.
Why did you want to join a consulting firm?
The most appealing aspect of joining a consultancy firm, is that I get to try out different roles and technologies within the organisation. I was also very aware of the fact that I would be under-stimulated, if I didn’t have contact with customers and use my interpersonal skills.
What has surprised you the most about working at the company?
The culture and the work ethic – we do not only value work life balance, we live by it, it is in our hearts at twoday. It is a value that is being taken very seriously. And I think it shows a great deal about who we are. Because that is very unique.
What is your superpower professionally speaking? What are you really good at?
I have a Bachelor in Digital Design and a Master in Software Design and that combination is somewhat rare. It is something that has given me the right tools and competencies to take part in the dialog with stakeholders and customers, about their technical challenges, and then translate that into something understandable. To be able to act as a bridge between the customers and developers is something I’m very passionate about. I am also an extremely curious person by nature, which gives me the will to learn and seek out new information pretty casually.
The culture and the work ethic - we do not only value work life balance, we live by it, it is in our hearts at twoday.
Biggest challenge as a consultant so far?
The biggest challenge has been the transition from working with a simple codebase, at my studies to working with complex codebases at work. It is a very different approach to programming and an entirely different way of thinking. It is super interesting, and I have to get used to the fact that there is a customer on the other side of the project, who has expectations.
Advice to future applicants?
Reflect upon what is most important for you. Whether it is working with the newest technology, being a part of a social cohesion or the salary. It is up to you, to find the right match as well as the company. Because often, you can’t have it all.
And just jump. Honestly, you are capable of much more than you know. The rest will follow and so will your competencies.