MFT Energy Graduate Programme

We are a global energy trading hub engineered for growth We believe that the most successful way to create an extraordinary company is to equip talented people with the right tools and a sense of ownership. The way we do this is by utilizing latest technologies, building a strong scalable trading platform, and offering the possibility for all our employees

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Nature Energy

Nature Energy er en af pionererne inden for biogas. Vi ser det som en forpligtelse at være aktive i Danmarks grønne omstilling og betragter biogassen som det tredje ben i balance med sol- og vindenergi. Vi er landets førende producent af biogas med fem anlæg, der hvert år omdanner mere end 1.000.000 ton madaffald, gylle m.m. til biogas. Vi leverer

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Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy is a global organisation and it recognizes that its employees represent a large variety of cultures, ethnicities, beliefs and languages. This wealth of diversity is what makes  Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy more innovative, creative, sensitive and committed to society. Our diversity is what makes us who we are, and we are immensely proud of that.  

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Vestas is the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 101 GW of wind turbines in 80 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else. Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and unparalleled 86 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to

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Centrica Energy Trading Graduate Programme

Centric Energy Trading is an international energy asset management company with activities in power, gas and related commodity markets throughout Europe. Our headquarter is located in London and we have offices in Denmark, Germany and Sweden along with a shift trading office in Singapore. In our Aalborg office, where this programme runs, we have employees from more than 25 different

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Shell Graduate Programme

About SHELL OIL COMPANY Shell Oil doesn’t shilly-shally around as it explores for, produces, and markets oil, and natural gas, and produces and markets chemicals. The company’s Shell Exploration & Production unit focuses its exploration on the deepwater plays in the Gulf of Mexico. Shell Oil partners with Saudi Aramco in a US refining and marketing venture (Motiva) and owns Motiva’s sister

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Energinet Graduate Programme owns the Danish electricity and gas transmission system. Our main task is to maintain the overall short-term and long-term security of electricity and gas supply.’s tasks are to: maintain the overall short-term and long-term security of electricity and gas supply develop the main Danish electricity and gas transmission infrastructure create objective and transparent conditions for competition on the energy

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Danske Commodities

Danske Commodities is an energy trading company, specialising in short-term power and gas trading. Every day, we complete more than 3000 trades across 37 countries in Europe, constantly moving energy from where there is more than needed to where it is needed most. With more than ten years of experience, Danske Commodities utilises its expertise, unmatched market presence and 24/7

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